Trapped in the midst of fish and their dammed bicycles
Posted by tmz_99 on September 24th, 2005 filed in UncategorizedI’ve been home for a week, and what a week it has been! Highlights include:
Barbara’s (Frymans sister) Birthday: Went well at Metropolis in Fremantle, I had a great night, met many people and DIDN’T GET ARRESTED OR FINED WITH ANYTHING. Amazing
The International Whiskey Experience: A great reason to drink for free with strangers, 20 drinks later and making the aquaintance of somebody who shares their name with a radio station (namely Nova) a good time was had by all 🙂
House stuff is coming along at it’s own pace, still waiting on buildiers for plans and even a contract…. where’s a rifle?? 😉
I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but the car has gone back to bruce at Fibrevision for paint, in 6-8 weeks it’ll be primered and I’ll be picking a color combination, I’m currently leaning torwards a black basecoat with a light green pearl. I think it’ll look sort of British Racing Green under the light. Mean and green and not too much cop bait.
Anyway, tomorrow I’m off to spend my morning snorkling in the awesome Yanchep Lagoon.. summer isn’t quite here, but it’s here enough for me 🙂
October 6th, 2005 at 1:33 pm
If you’d met someone whose last name was 96FM then you’d know that you’d had a few too many drinks.