Is bob YOUR auntie?

Posted by tmz_99 on October 26th, 2005 filed in Uncategorized

Today my settlement on my land went through, 3 days after the settlement date; however, 3 days grace was my saving grace in this case (I wonder where that saying came from?) and I did it on the last day! Brilliant!

A US school is stopping their pupils from blogging whilst at home.. I can see the schools point of view, although I don’t believe a schools power should reach into the home any further then homework.

I get to go home tomorrow and attend another whiskey experience.

I have chosen and ordered my new mobile phone, I have taken the jump to a Sony Erricson p910. I thought I would get something completely different for a change.

One Response to “Is bob YOUR auntie?”

  1. Hammy Says:

    Where’s ya block? South Geraldton or North Bunbury?

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