Stuff back home
Posted by tmz_99 on October 29th, 2005 filed in UncategorizedBeing back home has been a rush of excitement and dissapointments.
* The painter has had a heart attack and has not been at work, hence my car body hasn’t been touched.
* My mobile phone that I ordered from the eastern states hasn’t arrived yet
* My tax rebate hasn’t come through yet
* I’ve been spending far too much money on shit
The Rushes:
* Went to another whiskey experience – they changed it around a little bit again
* Went to the buzzmob with Angela and Sarah, we missed getting into it by SECONDS – mostly due to taking our time getting pillows out of the bag and anti-cop paranoia. However we did witness it, it was epic.
* I brought new shoes.
* A really awesome girl smiled at me in a shop.
So it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Let’s see how today will go 🙂 (not really much of a hangover).
November 4th, 2005 at 11:44 am
My car can fly thanks to the power of lies!