Please stay.. don’t go

Posted by tmz_99 on November 21st, 2005 filed in Uncategorized

Today’s been busy, but such is usually the case with Mondays, regardless of being on shore or being on a rig. Everybody back on shore is catching up from the weekend, from all the time they got to rest while the rig drills on unconcious of what day of the week is, what hour, what minute.

The rig doesn’t listen to traffic any more then she listens to the pleas of millions of starving African children and yet the rig is alive. Not only does she drill, not just a floating factory shes a micropolis of a city, alive in her own right, growing each day bit by bit until one day she will achieve her micro-metropolis status and start to decay. Likewise, for those of us who choose to make her our home for 6 months of a year, the rig is host to a community that is unique in its setting and its composition.


stay poster

It sat there in my movie folder waiting for it’s turn. Its name, ‘Stay’, didn’t inspire me to any expectations, nor had I heard anything of this movie before playing it. For the first 1/2 hour I sat there, watching a sterile movie about a psychologist and his patient. Ewan McGregor was good in his role, not stunning, better then bad.. good. Then things started warping a bit and the movie took on an altogether surprising tangent. I almost with I wasn’t too over analytical whilst watching it, then I could truly enjoy the ride it took me on. There is no way of predicting the ending, maybe that’s part of the allure, maybe it takes away from it.
The basic premise is that Ewan is a psychiatrist looking after a patient who knows when he will kill himself and sets it upon himself to save him (as of course he would). Slowly he works on unravelling the threads of his patient’s past and as he does so, things slowly unravel in his own life until everything is just a jumble of threads swinging in the wind.
This movie really has to be seen, quite the masterpiece although it’s stong art-flick flavour will keep it away from box office sucess 🙁 a honour it strongly deserves. 9/10

Every once in a while google comes up with a good website, I’m not sure if it’ll be up for you people but it is at the top of the page, a website for exorcisms.. 😐 Almost apt to a conversation I had the other day, and certainly full of intrigue.

One Response to “Please stay.. don’t go”

  1. Blondie Says:

    I agreed with your review of the Exorcism of Emily Rose – it’s more designed to trigger an internal debate on where the viewer stands… definitely!

    Hey from the way you describe Closer I think I’d love it. I’ll definitely have to check it out.

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