1 week into the deep

Posted by tmz_99 on November 23rd, 2005 filed in Uncategorized

On Neurosis:

So today makrs 1/3 of my hitch, Ive been out for a week and have two to go. This is precisely the time for my rig-based neurosis to come into effect.
Every hitch, usually sometime after the third week and before the last week I find something completely trivial and fixate on it to the point where I think myslef stupid about it, unable to sleep and thinking about anything else is an effort.
This is the first time where my neurosis is not focused like a laser beam, in fact, I’m not sure if it’s coming or has come or is in effect at all this time. I hve the usual converns constantly playing through my mind, sex (because I’m human), family, travel and finances. However there doesn’t seem to be anything this time.
I am a little more fixated then usual on sex, but I can’t remember the person I was 5 weeks ago, so maybe I’m just trying to find something to fixate on.. 😐

On X-Mas:

The Christmas season is almost upon us, or will be very close to by the time I get home and the need for gifts will be apperant. I try to do all my gift shopping in one/two days, generally I have a good idea of what I want to get people but this is quickly abolished when I actually go shopping. At the end of the day I do my gift shopping much like I do my clothes shopping, I simply walk around aimlessly looking at all the pretty things on display until one this suddenly screams to me, in the case of gifts it generally screams the name of the person who I will purchase it for.
They do not however scream the names of other people, whom I don’t know or whom I don’t intend to buy gifts for, in that case, the mountains of commercialised produce stay silent.

Just in case you don’t expect it the following people are on my x-mas list this year, if you’re not on this list I shall still accept gifts, but please don’t expect more then a kind smile and a hug in return:
Mum, Dad, Sisters, Panda, Nadia, Ang & Nic.
Everybody else IS on my “Party Down” list, which includes an invitation to party with me whenever I am physically capable of “partying down”, if not, an attempt will be made at “partying up” as that is surely the opposite.

Film Review: War Of The Worlds:

war of the worlds picture

War of the worlds is one of those movies that I assume most people have already seen and I’m one of the last to. Certainly I must have read umpteen reviews on this movie already and I’m clear in the fact that mine probably won’t have anything new to offer, but then again it just may.

War of the Worlds is a movie about a crane operator who leads a dysfunctional life (and don’t we all, the older I get the more I notice there is a lack of ‘normal’ in life and I feel life is all the better for it). So really, it’s about a crane operator who is struggling trying to fit himself into the stereotypical family group that hollywood considers normal. His wife and her new husband leave to go on holidays and his two children with him, we are again reminded of how dysfunctional he is by arguing with his wife, but then we see there is good in him yet as he says a few sweet parting words to his ex as she dissapears out the door.

Fairly soon aliens arrive by transporting themselves down to earth in a series of EMP (electromagnetic pulses) which not only deliver them to their WMD (weapons of mass destruction) but also knock out all electronics in a wide area.
Tom cruise is shocked to find his electrcity off, his mobile phone not working and all cars stopped in the middle of the street, not even 5 minutes later, in the same locale we are treated to a bystander VIDEO TAPING the attack on his video camera… I guess the EMP forgot about that one.

The aliens have had their WMD hidden beneath the earth’s surface for millions of years in their plan to take over the earth, this brings up a few questions as to the alien’s real intelligence.

1.) The WMD must have been hidden deep indeed and somehow neither errosion of a landmass by water, air or earthquakes, etc had exposed them to mankind before this.

2.) Isn’t it bizzare how they are hidden in areas where there is clearly nothing else “there is no water mains here, theres nothing here”; yet human beings didn’t just find these on our quest to build cities, mine for minerals/oil?

3.) Wouldn’t it make sense to attack the earth a lot sooner? Before human beings developed weapons technology?

Now I THINK the aliens wanted blood, but that’s not really explained in the movie. Regardless as you all know in the end the aliens are killed off by desiese, we can assume that they didn’t know this because MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO when they first hatched their plan, the desiese wasn’t evolved yet. You’d think they’d check.
The end of the movie is NOT a let down, the movie isn’t as much about fighting the alien menace as it was about one man’s survival against such huge odds and the preservation of his family. Overall a good movie with some alien intelligence issues. 🙂

On South Park:
Found this rather cool SP generator today… this is me at work:
sp tom

2 Responses to “1 week into the deep”

  1. lori Says:

    At the time when the book was written, and then the radio play conducted, we didn’t have the technology and the aliens did attack us when alot of our current technologies weren’t developped including nuclear weapons etc.

    Read the book, HG Wells wrote it. Excellent author.

  2. Blondie Says:

    Yep I was a little shocked to realise I didn’t hate War of the Worlds.. I don’t mind watching Tom Cruise but there’s usually something so cheesily PR’d about all of his roles until recently. Collateral and WOW were both not his usual stereotyped good guy roles so I liked them! Bravo to mono-eyebrow for acting more!

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